Twitch Streamer?

Twitch Streamer?

Guess what… another hair-brained scheme (i may have to re-evaluate this mantra as I am bald). I’ve joined the ranks of streamers on Twitch. Why? First and foremost, a solid excuse to game. Second… I thought it would be fun. I spent some time watching...
Progress In My Eye Like Spit

Progress In My Eye Like Spit

I started this in February of 2013 and have pulled it out to jam ink on it every so often between then and now. If my life depended on getting this piece done, I would most likely be found in a dumpster with organs missing. Alas, my efforts are once again posted to my...
More Doodles

More Doodles

I’ve been cleaning up my sketch book. The last one (Religion – title to be determined) is going to take some time and I seem to be putting it off by finishing up straggler sketches that have been sitting in my sketch pad for a few years. These are all from...
A New Doodle

A New Doodle

This took me about 36 hours to complete. I used a 3x0 .25 technical pen on 96lb. 9x12 Bristol paper. I penciled a rough sketch of the skull and rabbit including some shading areas, then just went to town. I used the same skull from my ‘Skull with Skyline’...