Nov 25, 2006 | Brain Farts, Prose |
ChunksWhen you know, you just know. Like I knew. I didn’t even have to smell it to know. The fact that small chunks of partially digested carrots and chicken were dried onto his pants had no bearing on my knowing. The shiny bubbly black slick that covered the...
Nov 17, 2006 | Tooth Decay |
I am back from MN. It was a work related visit and as always it was good to reconnect visually with the people I work with remotely. Obviously I survived another flight. One more mouthful of luck siphoned from the limited tank. I wrote and drew nothing during my short...
Nov 13, 2006 | Tooth Decay |
I am currently on hold with NYS Department of Taxation and Finance. I have been holding for about 8 mins… I am getting bored so I thought I would jot down some words, letters and hopefully coherent sentences.I am heading to Minneapolis this evening. I hate...
Nov 10, 2006 | Tooth Decay |
About 2 years ago, I bought one of those drawing tablets for Vicki and I in hopes of dabbling in the digital arts. Well, I finally started playing with it and its quite nice. It’s only about 6×8 inches, but more than good enough for the amount of work she...
Nov 10, 2006 | Digital Art, Eye Boogers |
– 960 x 768 – Corel Painter 8 and Intuos tablet.I spent about 1 hour drawing a few of my hands on paper, then scanned the image in, traced the basic lines, then finished it up using Corel Painter 8 which is a much more artistic application than Corel...