Apr 29, 2007 | Tooth Decay |
I think this is a relatively new one as there is very little out there on the web.Update: 05/06/2007 – Trojan.KardphisherMy son had a Windows Activation screen up on his laptop. It was basically stating there was another user that had activated his OS. It...
Apr 27, 2007 | Tooth Decay |
So my son Logan bought a PSP with money he had been ‘saving’ for quite some time. Saving is in quotes, because actually I borrowed it from him a while ago and he just got it back this past weekend.I purchased a PSP back when it first came out, but it was...
Apr 11, 2007 | Tooth Decay |
I am actively teaching myself C#. Since this is the language that XNA is built around, I hope to conquer it quickly. I think like most languages, reading it and following its syntax is the easy part, writing it is quite a bit more challenging.I have attempted to learn...