Brain Farts

Umph... take a sniff
Write or Die

Write or Die

I was turned on to a site that needles a writer into writing without the shackles of thought. Write or Die. I decided to give it a try and this is the first thing that came to me. I did some spelling corrections, but other than that, in ten minutes, this seeped out of...

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ChunksWhen you know, you just know. Like I knew. I didn't even have to smell it to know. The fact that small chunks of partially digested carrots and chicken were dried onto his pants had no bearing on my knowing. The shiny bubbly black slick that covered the vinyl...

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The idea here was to point my finger at the usual sequence of life. Death, Learning, Birth, Dying. You learn after you are dead, and you are dying the moment you are born. Not a revelation, but I liked the words. Death - I have died. Not an awakening as much as a...

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Some ramblings regarding enlightenment. Was thinking it might be the start of a warped biography, but that was where it stopped....This is the life of me.Where shall I start? Not at the beginning... that's never very interesting. I know...from the end. Problem is, I...

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I wrote this rhyming poem about a video game called Fable. There was a contest where the prize was to go to E3 and hang with Peter Molyneux and Big Blue Box, the creator's of Fable. Although I made the runners-up, I did not win.Unyielding misfortune has laid my...

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This is the last poem I've written in quite some time. I was driving Maurice Kenny to a workshop he was doing in Syracuse and he asked me to write something to share for that particular class.I want to vomit--on this worldI want to--go insane    to run from...

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Poetry From 1990

Poetry From 1990

I saved these from my days in creative writing at FLCC. Normally I do not use rhyme, but I had fun writing the 'Ticketman's Day Off'.Hold Fastsometimes -- i look over the edgei can see you -- there --in the dark -- amongst the deadnever crying out -- never...

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Poetry from 1989

Poetry from 1989

These were all written while I attended a poetry class taught by Maurice Kenny at NCCC. At one point in time, a few of the students from the class were selected to partake in a poetry reading in Albany. I think it had something to do with Amnesty International, but I...

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