– 759 x 610 – 2001 – POV-RayI did this eons ago, but wanted to leave it in here to remind me that POVRay is a great free application that allows for 3D object development. POVRay is a text based image application. Basically you program an image through a scripting language.
This is the script that builds ‘Object1’ (above) through the POVray compiler.
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "stones.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "stars.inc"
camera {location <-5,4,-7> look_at <-2,2,-2>}
background { color rgb <0.3, 0.2, 0.3> }
//plane { <0,0,1>, 125 texture {Starfield1}}
box {<2,2,2>,< -2,-2,-2>}
sphere {<0,0,0>, 2.5 }
rotate 20*y
rotate 15*z
translate 1.5*z
translate 1*y
texture {T_Chrome_5E}}
#declare ball_o_light = sphere {<0,0,0>,.25 pigment {color Green}}
//light_source{<-2.3,1.5,-1> Gold}
//light_source{<.9,1.5,.8> Gold}
//light_source{<-3,2,1> Gold}
light_source{<-1,1.5,-.5> Gold looks_like {ball_o_light}}
light_source{<-2.4,1.5,2.6> Gold looks_like {ball_o_light}}
light_source{<-.2,1.5,4> Gold looks_like {ball_o_light}}
//light_source{<-1,1.5,-1> Gold looks_like {ball_o_light}}
height_field {
sys "image.bmp"
pigment {DMFWood4 scale 4}
translate <-.5, -.5, -.5>
scale <50, 1.75, 40>}
plane { <0,1,0>, .02 texture {T_Grnt4 }}
sphere {<0,24.5,1.5>, 25 texture {T_Grnt4 }}
box {<0,0,0>,< 2,2,2>
scale -.5
//pigment{color Green}
texture {T_Gold_5E}
rotate <40,0,40>
translate <-.2,1,2>