WOT v12

WOT v12

Book Review: The Gathering Storm is book 12 in the never ending series The Wheel of Time. Robert Jordan wrote books one through eleven and did so very well. I have read and re-read novels one through eight just so that I could continue up to and include eleven. I was...


Movie Review: I have to say, the name drew me in, but what I got on the inside was nothing short of heavenly. AntiChrist, on the surface, was about a couple dealing with the loss of a small child as well as some long standing relationship issues. Through the basic...
The Road

The Road

Book Review: I saw The Road in the bookstore and was fairly excited to read it, but I was also just starting to right a semi-apocalyptic story of my own and was hesitant to purchase it. My favorite genre, if you can name it as such, is anything where the world as we...