Jun 20, 2013 | Tooth Decay |
I’m sharing this because I believe I’m not the only one who has not given this thought. In our online lives we think we are connecting and widening our social lives through various medias, but perhaps we are still living in our clicks. Consider this:...
May 19, 2011 | Tooth Decay |
My son came home from school the other day and exclaimed that a cure for cancer had been found. I immediately grew skeptical, not just because my son has a rather strange sense of humor (wondering where he might get it) and sometimes says the oddest things, but...
Sep 10, 2010 | Tooth Decay |
Just read this article and you will see, there is not much more I need to say. It’s only a matter of time, now. While I pause to contemplate the long term, I can’t help but shiver with fear and delight. The fear is common so no explanation needed, but the...