Mar 25, 2010 | Tooth Decay |
I recently joined a site for writers and readers called CritiqueCircle . It helps to get writers stories reviewed by other writers and readers. It works on a payment scale of critiques instead of $. As you critique other stories, you get credits; as you submit...
Mar 18, 2010 | Brain Farts, Prose |
I was turned on to a site that needles a writer into writing without the shackles of thought. Write or Die. I decided to give it a try and this is the first thing that came to me. I did some spelling corrections, but other than that, in ten minutes, this seeped out of...
Oct 13, 2007 | Tooth Decay |
Writing is a form of ambition. The ambition to put my thoughts down. To solidify or make real my imaginations. To work out my inner issues and sometimes my outer ones as well. Like right now, I did not really feel like writing, but I hoped that once I got started, it...
Apr 11, 2007 | Tooth Decay |
I am actively teaching myself C#. Since this is the language that XNA is built around, I hope to conquer it quickly. I think like most languages, reading it and following its syntax is the easy part, writing it is quite a bit more challenging.I have attempted to learn...
Mar 30, 2007 | Tooth Decay |
Ever since my father brought home a self-built “ugly” looking contraption he called a computer, and showed me a “Star Trek” like computer game, I was hooked; computers or more specifically computer games. Almost any kind, FPS, RTS, RPG,...