Cure for Cancer? Puhleez…

Cure for Cancer? Puhleez…

My son came home from school the other day and exclaimed that a cure for cancer had been found. I immediately grew skeptical, not just because my son has a rather strange sense of humor (wondering where he might get it) and sometimes says the oddest things, but...
New Venture

New Venture

My wife and I recently partnered with a local artist couple in their art gallery, The Local Fringe. While many galleries in our area are geared around Adirondack art, this one sits more on the fringe. The gallery sat quietly in its sliver of real-estate for about a...
WOT v12

WOT v12

Book Review: The Gathering Storm is book 12 in the never ending series The Wheel of Time. Robert Jordan wrote books one through eleven and did so very well. I have read and re-read novels one through eight just so that I could continue up to and include eleven. I was...
NAS Noodling

NAS Noodling

I picked up an LG-NAS drive over a month ago and had been working to get it going just the way I wanted it. This being my first NAS drive, I now know a bit more about it than when I started. The main thing I’ve realized is: You get what you pay for. Don’t...