Nov 25, 2014 | Tooth Decay |
The initial idea in foam core. The initial idea for supports on each side of the desktop was to have some storage ability (this was later scrapped). The back before I cut out the shelf slot. Trying to get an idea where to drill for the shelf bracket. The rough...
Aug 27, 2011 | Tooth Decay |
As I found in my previous post, “Liquid Cooling”, the onboard GPU/NB chipset was getting very warm as I had pulled several fans out of my case. Also, as I had gotten a new GeForce GTS450 graphics card, I found that my placement of the reservoir was poorly...
Aug 13, 2011 | Tooth Decay |
After messing around with some lowbrow cooling, I finally stepped it up and purchased a liquid cooling kit. The Swiftech H20-220 Ultima XT CPU liquid cooling kit seemed like a beginner/intermediate setup and that was what I was looking for. It comes with a pump, a...
Oct 26, 2010 | Tooth Decay |
I picked up an LG-NAS drive over a month ago and had been working to get it going just the way I wanted it. This being my first NAS drive, I now know a bit more about it than when I started. The main thing I’ve realized is: You get what you pay for. Don’t...
Aug 23, 2010 | Reviews, Tooth Decay |
Tech Review: Hopefully I don’t go blind, but I have been playing with my Droid X like a fiend. All I can say is that it has met all my expectations and more. Like everyone, I await eagerly for the OTA Froyo update, which will provide access to many new features,...