I’m back

I’m back

OK… so been silent for some time. As usual some life event had prompted me to stand up and say look at me… to the nobodies that are looking at me. You know… at my age you would think that there is little need for validation. I mean I am 51 for fucks...
Cure for Cancer? Puhleez…

Cure for Cancer? Puhleez…

My son came home from school the other day and exclaimed that a cure for cancer had been found. I immediately grew skeptical, not just because my son has a rather strange sense of humor (wondering where he might get it) and sometimes says the oddest things, but...
Finding My Magic

Finding My Magic

One of the things my wife has said to me is to find my magic. While at the time, I found this to be a rather odd statement seeing as how I had been finding all sorts of things to make me happy, I am realizing now that the magic she was referring to was not the things...
Finding My Magic


Writing is a form of ambition. The ambition to put my thoughts down. To solidify or make real my imaginations. To work out my inner issues and sometimes my outer ones as well. Like right now, I did not really feel like writing, but I hoped that once I got started, it...
Get It!

Get It!

There is not much I can do about the past except think about it. I can think and I can think all fucking day and night about the past… wondering why? pondering how? speculating who?There are things I can do about the future. But I have to get over the past...